Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week

The week of May 27th  to June 3rd was National Reconciliation Week. Our school will be celebrating NAIDOC Week early, during the last week of term,  as it is actually falls in the school holidays.  In the Library we have set up a book display and will be adding other display elements over the coming weeks.


National Reconciliation Week’s theme for this year is “Be Brave, Make Change” and asks all Australians to “Be Brave and tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation so we can Make Change for the benefit of all Australians.”


May 27th was the anniversary of the referendum in 1967 which saw Aboriginal people counted in the national census and paved the way for affirmative action policies to redress the disadvantage that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders experienced.  June 3rd is the anniversary of the Australian High Court decision in the Mabo case which paved the way for Native title.


NAIDOC Week stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee and has its roots in the 1938 Day of Mourning which became a week-long event in 1975.

This year’s theme is “Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!”


In the Library, we provide a safe and inclusive space for all students. We celebrate diversity through a range of displays and activities which recognise special anniversaries, days and weeks such as Harmony Week, IDAHOBIT and NAIDOC week. 



The Library has purchased a badgemaking machine.  Standard 58mm badges are available for $3 each and we can help you design your own personal badge for a small additional fee.


Loretta Kelly