Across Oliver's Desk 

Principal's Report

Dear Parents & Carers,


COVID, flu, colds and even gastro continues to be something we worry about because of student and staff absences. Compared however, to other schools and areas, we are doing really well with the school running almost as normal (touch wood). I have heard of a few schools having to revert to remote learning. Which is not on our radar at all. 


I would like to thank all the parents that are supporting the school by not sending children to school if they are unwell. I also know that lots of you are being super careful with your RAT testing, especially if there are symptoms. It is a sign of the times that we all think that a cold is definitely COVID but it is the right thing to check. Again, thank you all for keeping our school community as safe as possible. 



As you can see the portable that houses 5/6A and 5/6B has been moved and the ground works for the new building have begun. It has given a lot of students more to look at in break times. It is exciting to see it all starting to take shape.



A big thank you to all the parents that were involved in the election day BBQ. I voted here and was blown away with how busy it was. I did purchase a bacon and egg sandwich, which was the best part of the voting process. Thank you to everyone involved in the BBQ. It raised over $1500 which will go straight into the grade six graduation fund. A special thank you to  Bec Roda, Kim Jordan and Laura Marchione, for coordinating the BBQ. 


Some of our grade 5 and 6 students asked that we purchase some basketball hoops for the hall because we have lost our basketball courts for a year.  The students approached me about this and presented a compelling case. I spoke to the parents and friends club at school council about releasing the funds to buy them, which they agreed to.  We will also get some lines marked in the hall so that students can play basketball matches in there if they want, during break times, if they are supervised of course. 


We have many students coming up with great ideas and we listen to all of them. Some of them we can’t do anything about, (like a slide that goes all the way around the school) but in this case I think we have had a really good outcome. 



What a brilliant fun run we had this year with, the blow-up inflatables and all the colour. I really loved seeing our parents getting involved as well. Thanks as always to Mr Gibbons for organising the event and to all the parents that have sponsored their children. The money raised will be banked as we are saving to put in another playground once the new building is finished this time next year.

The photos tell a wonderful story.



Unfortunately, next week I will be at a conference for two days and then I’m on a review panel for another school next Wednesday.  Flick will be Acting Principal in my absence on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I will be back at school on Thursday if you need me. 


Have a great week!

And remember when life gets a little difficult, escape to the wonderful world of a book!


Oliver Thockloth
