Agriculture & Horticulture

Alcheringa Biodynamic Dairy Farm

The class recently visited Alcheringa Biodynamic Dairy Farm at Nathalia where farmer, Mark Peterson, explained how Biodynamics leads to healthy soils, pastures and cattle.


Students asked a lot of questions regarding soil, pasture and cattle management, and heard how various aspects of the farm business are run. They found out about patterns of tree breaks and how they assist in reducing wind to almost nothing. Students saw newborn twin calves as well as calves of various ages being reared for sale or replacements. 


They also saw the computer system that reads and manages the cow collars which in turn make so many aspects of cow management easier. Students conducted a number of tests on the soil, air temperature, light and relative humidity. They then completed a report on the farm tour which addressed various key knowledge and key skills from the Study Design.



Charlotte Drinnan

Agriculture & Horticulture