Principal's Report 

Term 2

As you know, yesterday morning you were invited into our school to work with your children in the classroom as part of Education Week and the celebration of 150 years of public education in Victoria. Most classrooms had large numbers of visitors who were curiously experiencing the sounds, sights and learning that our students engage with each day. It was a reminder that in school, like all areas of society, life is returning closer to a pre-pandemic normal.


In saying that, you may have noticed through my emails that we are having increasing numbers of staff and students with COVID19. Unfortunately, on most days, we do not have enough supply of casual relief teachers to cover the daily vacancies within our school. This is an issue for all schools. There may be days when your child’s class has additional students from another class in it or your child’s class has a different teacher. Please know that we are doing everything possible to minimise disruptions. To assist with communication, please remember when emailing your child’s teacher to ‘cc’ in the section leaders so they can reply to you if your child’s teacher is absent.


This is a reminder of the information that was posted via Compass earlier this week regarding Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs). From next Monday 23 May, it is recommended RATs are used by students and staff when symptomatic. RATs are also required to be used for 5 days if a student or staff member is a close contact of a confirmed case and they are attending or working at a school.


From next Monday, it will therefore no longer be recommended that non-symptomatic students or staff conduct RATs twice a week in mainstream schools and 5 days a week in specialist schools. Students and staff must continue to notify the Department of Health and their school if they return a positive RAT result.


Thank you again for your ongoing cooperation and support during this time.


School Communication and the use of Compass

It is important that all parents log into Compass so our school can communicate effectively with you. If you have any questions regarding Compass, or are having difficulty in logging-on, then please ring Karen Jordan at our school on 94673972. The Compass log-on can be found at or through the ‘Compass Parent Portal’ link on our website.


Principal Award - Lucas Silman

Lucas has displayed all the Concord School expectations and takes responsibility for his belongings within the classroom. He has been working hard throughout all learning areas and will have a go and ask for help when needed. Lucas has also been kind and respectful to classmates and adults. 



Jason Coningsby
