Take note

Alumni Mass, Reunion and AGM

The Alumni Association warmly welcomes all alumni to the College on Saturday 9 November. Starting with Mass at 12.00pm in the Adrian Doyle Chapel, attendees will continue to the staffroom for reminiscing and bubbles.

RSVP is now open until Monday 4 November.

Year 6 Canberra trip 2020

The College is now accepting payments for 2020 Year 6 students who are attending the Canberra trip. 


Payments can be made on the QKR! App under the option 'Year 6 Canberra Trip 2020'.


Information and an invoice for the full cost of the trip will be invoiced in Term 1.  If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Louise Graves: lgraves@smc.tas.edu.au.

New canteen menu and operation

This Term we welcomed Canteen Manager, Phil Shanny to the College who will be providing healthy, delicious and nutritious food - all made onsite with sustainable packaging, free-range eggs and locally sourced ingredients. 


In addition to a regular menu, the canteen will also be offering daily specials. Please check out the new canteen menu on the College website and also on the Qkr app.


As we move towards sustainability, it is important to note some changes. The canteen will serve food in reusable containers which are to be returned by students. You will also notice we have discontinued packaged drinks, instead offering tea and coffee (in a reusable cup/KeepCup) for Senior School students. We will be encouraging all students to drink water.


We look forward to these sustainable changes having a positive impact for the College, students and our environment.

Floral send-off to graduands

A big thank you goes to Year 1 and RE Teacher, Ruth Prichard who supplied and created the exquisite floral arrangement at Graduation Mass on Tuesday.