Student & School Community Achievements

Parent Chris Dunstan and Head Teacher Spiridoula Dervenis-Loupos

Metropolitan South Principals Network Awards

As reported in our November newsletter, at the Metropolitan South Principals Network Awards for Georges River, Kogarah,  Canterbury & Marrickville, Canterbury Girls High School was represented in three awards - 

  • Principal Sue Holden for school leadership,
  • Parent Chris Dunstan for contributions to school sustainability, &
  • Head teacher Spiridoula Dervenis-Loupos for leading the futures focused committee, as part of the Head Teacher Teaching and Learning  role.

This event was hosted at Ashfield Boys High School, themselves a recipient of a School award. 

Sue Holden was one of ten Principals recognised, Chris Dunstan one of 18 parents/community members and Spiridoula Dervenis-Loupos one of 24 executive teachers. Four schools and four Communities of Schools were awarded. Early career teachers, classroom teachers, school services, SASS and retirees were also acknowledged. 

As difficult as it can be to single out individuals and even teams to nominate for such recognition, pausing at the end of the year to acknowledge excellence in how we deliver education to our students - in all the schools across our region - has merit. We are part of a big picture of quality public education across NSW and, despite no system being flawless,  the young people in our care are afforded every opportunity to progress, improve and flourish. Something that is worthy of a moment’s reflection and a round of applause. 

St George SSSA

Congratulations to Kylani Koloamatangi and Laura Metry, Year 8, Olive O'Grady, Year 9, and Elena Costas, Year 10, for recognition of your fantastic Sporting achievements at St George SSSA in Swimming & Cross Country, with record breaking performances by Kylani in the pool.


Schools Spectacular

Record number of students in ensembles at Schools Spectacular this year. Thank you to all students who performed.



From the SpecFest Team to Ms Louise Flannery:

"We would like to offer our sincere thanks and gratitude to you for the incredible amount of work you all put in to bringing such engaging performances to the SpecFest 2019 stages. We know that to showcase such talent takes many hours of preparation in your own time and thank you for this. We also wish to thank your principal their support of the program.

The smiles displayed on all the students faces, both performing and viewing, highlights how important these opportunities are. We have received many positive and congratulatory comments from the wider school community which reflect the outcomes of your work and the strength of your students’ performance."

Team Cerebrum Promote Their Social Enterprise on Studio 10!

Team Cerebrum consisting of Year 10 students Hailie Brown, Kiara Green, Billie Guice and Jessica Holt have taken the bold steps into establishing a social enterprise and have completed their crowd funding and production. Thank you to all of you in the CGHS community who have helped the girls raise $3100 earlier this year which will is now being used to fund the production of their pots and purchase of plants.

Their idea is to use plants as horticultural therapy to address mental health and to destigmatise mental issues in young people.


Their idea has gathered a new momentum and they have appeared on Studio 10 to discuss the real issues and how their idea aims to support young people experiencing mental health issues.  They  recorded their segment this week.  We will tweet when their segment will be aired.

The Young Change Agents program was first introduced at CGHS in 2017 and is a unique “real-world” program which guides student using a design-thinking approach to solve real life social issues. We would like to thank the mentors and industry representatives from Young Change Agents and MakerSpace whose support has been pivotal in supporting our students, and Team Cerebrum in developing critical thinking, problem solving and teamwork skills while also working towards improving our society.

Watch their segment here:

For more information on Team Cerebrum visit

Congratulations & Thank You

  • Maddison Whereat, Year 12 2019, for receiving the Walter and Eliza Hall Trust Opportunity Scholarship.
  • Antonina Scheer for participating in the School Spectacular Orchestra and Stage Band
  • Marie Ikonomou for participating in the School Spectacular Senior Dance Ensemble, Aboriginal Dance Company and Jazz Ensemble.
  • Scarlett Stockdale-Linke, Year 9, for participating in the School Spectacular Singers Choir.
  • Buia David for participating in the School Spectacular Aboriginal Dance Company and delivering the Acknowledgement of Country at School Spectacular 2019.
  • Ruby Duggan and Neve Hobbs, Year 7, Alyssa Carnt, Amelia Elliott, Elsa Grasselli and  Taylor Potten, Year 8, Zoe Jewell, Jessica Sanderson, Zoe Trenbath and Ruby Wilkinson, Year 9,  Izzy Conlon and Emily Earp, Year 10, for participating in the School Spectacular Drama Ensemble.