Around the College

Community Survey

Thank you to all the wonderful parents and friends who attended our College Musical ‘The Lion King Jnr’ last term. We would really appreciate your feedback. Please use the link or QR code below to answer 2 questions to give us some feedback.

Australian Mathematics Competition

This year 144 students represented our College in the Australian Mathematics Competition.

The following students received a Distinction for finishing in the Top 20% of students in the region. 

Aaran (3BS), Hannah (3/4KB), Jye (4AB), 

Akshaj (4JK), Naman (6NO), Chris  (4JK)

 and Rydham (8D)  received a High Distinction and placed in the Top 3% of students in the region.


Congratulations to all who represented our College and we look forward to seeing you again next year.

French Dress Up Day

Students enjoyed the day dressing up and wearing the colours  that represent France. We also had a special visitor Archie, Ms Haikal's French Bulldog.

We raised an amazing $530.00.

Thank you for your support.