Principal Message

Message from the College Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,


On behalf of the staff at Tarneit P9 College I would like to thank you for your support throughout 2018 and for the positive way in which you have engaged with our school. We all feel incredibly privileged to work with the Tarneit community and are looking forward to a wonderful 2019.

School Council Young Leaders Award

On behalf of the College School Council. I would like to congratulate the following students who received the 2019 Young Leaders Award.


Nell Karpiesiuk  – Nell is a conscientious student who gives her schooling 100% at all times. She is an active part of our Voice program and shows confidence in her performances and participated in the College musical ‘Lion King’. Nell is a role model for other students in the college, in the classroom and outside in the yard. Nell has acted as a ‘buddy’ for our visiting French students and supports other students consistently with their learning and ensures she never falls behind in her work. As a College Captain, Nell has shown great leadership and responsibility. She is always available to assist staff, other students and the community in any way she can. Part of this role was attending and participating in School Council meetings, assemblies, Year 1 Stay Late, Year 2 Sleepover, Prep Transitions to name a few. Nell has exemplified what student leadership can do for a College and how students can show their maturity and the positive contribution they can make.


Massa Cappard  – Massa has represented the school in Athletics, our college musical, role models behaviour to younger students and takes a lead in the classroom. She takes initiative in the classroom and outside in the yard with her peers and regularly volunteers, supporting school events. Massa is part of VICseg and voice for change, has participated in Voice program, African dance club and has been a great support to all teachers. Saying that, teachers are always able to count on her to step up and take the lead whenever needed and she’s always more than happy to help.


School Council would also like to acknowledge the following students who received an Encouragement Award.


Rose Panday - Rose has achieved excellence twice and student of the week award twice this year. She is a student who consistently follows our school values. She is a caring, helpful and kind student who will go out of her way to help other students. She uses empathy, care and kindness at all times. Rose is good at leading small groups of students in class activities and will often choose to partner up with students who require additional support. Rose has a caring nature, looking to help other students when they are upset. Rose kindly offers to sit with students to help them with their problems. Rose also helps new students who have entered her class by settling them into class routines. Rose never asks for rewards or acknowledgement. Rose is mature beyond her years. Rose has also worked very hard to improve her pencil grip and fine motor skills throughout Prep.


Riley Gilman - For representing our class as SRC. Riley this year has collected money for fundraising through his position of SRC. He is always willing to donate his time whether it be for a meeting or to organise something. Riley was an active participant in our School's Health Night, handing out flyers for the local football club. Riley is an excellent role model in the classroom always demonstrating the school values and reminding others to show the school values.


Samreen Kaur - Samreen is an excellent young leader and person. Throughout this year she has demonstrated a fantastic ability to support her fellow students and show a high level of empathy and compassion for everyone. She has taken part in the Royal Melbourne Arts competition where she finished second, been a SRC member, attended curriculum day to support voice, agency and leadership, been a driving force behind ‘jump rope for heart’ and much more. Couldn’t speak more highly of the amazing young person she continues to become.


Step Up Morning

As I know you would be aware, our College had our Step Up Morning this last week, where students had the opportunity to meet their 2019 teacher and classmates. I would like to thank all our students for taking the transition in their stride, learning from the experience and taking this opportunity to get to know different students in their year level. As always, some children take to change much more easily than others, but it is a good time to build on resilience and see every change as a positive one.


I loved hearing the exciting stories from students and that the anticipation and wait was over.


As we know, transitioning students can be a challenging time for some students and we want to take this opportunity to inform our community that classes are based on learning needs first (not just on friendships) and a great deal of time and effort from teachers has gone into making these classes, balanced and suitable for all children. It is near impossible to cater to every request and we would like to thank our community for their patience and support with this.


College Helpers Morning Tea

It was with great pleasure that we held our College Helper Morning Tea this week to thank all of our 70+ strong college parent/carer/relative’s helpers, for all their support inside and outside of the classroom. Whether it be incursions, excursions, camps or classroom helpers, our college community always promote and support our college initiatives, for our children. We know that not all of our College Helpers were able to attend our Morning Tea, but we thank you for all your contributions to improve our student outcomes. Look out in 2019 for more opportunities to be a College Helper.

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone!

We look forward to seeing you in 2019 for another exciting year.


Kind Regards

Rynn Anderson

Messages from Assistant Principals