OGA News

Forthcoming OGA ReunionS

Save the Date!  The OGA reunions have been set for 2020. If you know past students or teachers from these cohorts, please help spread the word about these enjoyable events. Bookings for the 10 Year Reunion can be made via Trybooking.com: 


OGA 10 Year Reunion: Class of 2010

Saturday 21st March

Brougham Arms Hotel



OGA 20 Year Reunion: Class of 2000

Saturday 9th May

Brougham Arms Hotel


OGA 30 Year Reunion: Class of 1990

Saturday 13th June

Brougham Arms Hotel


OGA 5 Year Reunion: Class of 2015

Saturday 5th September

Brougham Arms Hotel


OGA 1 Year Reunion: Class of 2019

Friday 11th December

GPO Tapas Bar & Restaurant

The OGA Prize for Dux 2019

The OGA extends a hearty congratulations to Evelyn Crawford (Twelve Jenkin, 2019) on being awarded The Chairman's Prize, The Old Girtonians' Association and the SCEGS Redlands Shield for the Dux of the School.


A well-deserved congratulations to the following students who received The Old Girtonians' Association Prize for Dux of:


Year Eleven: Jordan Barclay (Eleven Jones)

Year Ten: Benjamin Greiving (Ten Aherne)

Year Nine: Ebony Walz (Nine Frew)

Year Eight: Zoe MacGregor (Eight Riley)

Year Seven: Emma Hines (Seven Frew)


Dux of Junior School: Katia Kamateros (Six Jenkin)

Year Five: Benjamin Hines (Five Frew)

Year Four: Shanali Wickramasinghe (Four Riley)

Year Three: Octavia Yuen (Three Frew)

From Prefect to Peacekeeper

In the five years since Amelia McNair graduated from Girton, she has undertaken studies that landed her in China, she has lived and travelled across Ireland, and now, she is studying and working in London.


Amelia was School Captain in 2014 having been at Girton, in her words, “for the long haul” from Prep and was a Millward devotee through and through.


Amelia’s journey at Girton was bookended by her two favourite teachers – Mrs Allison Campbell in Prep (now retired) and recently retired Deputy Head, Mrs Robyn MacCulloch, who taught Amelia History Revolutions in Year 12. She says that both women are strong, confident and successful.


“I greatly admire both women for their capacity to challenge stereotypes and lead in the face of adversity.


“Their sense of morality founded my own decision making, they indeed taught me a great deal that transcended the classroom.


Having studied History Revolutions, Literature, Maths Methods, Geography, Psychology and International Politics, Amelia’s path since leaving school is not entirely surprising, except perhaps to herself.


“I would never have guessed when I was at school that I would end up where I am now.


“I was fortunate in following my interests rather than a career trajectory and to have friends who opened the world to me and challenged my thinking.


“I initially planned to follow the generalised route of a Juris Doctor in human rights, then realised after some work experience that I was useless at Law!


“Instead, after completing an undergraduate Bachelor of Arts at the University of Melbourne, I moved to Ireland, where lots of opportunities I had never given thought to arose.


“During my Arts degree, I majored in Islamic Studies and Geography, which I loved. I even had the chance to study in China,” Amelia said.


Amelia is now studying at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London, one of the world’s leading institutions for the study of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. She is completing a Masters/Post Graduate Diploma in International Studies and Diplomacy and has some grand plans.


“I plan to write my dissertation on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, the potential for peace in the region and the more implicit ways in which this is currently being undermined.


“I am excited that as part of my studies, I will undergo media training with BBC journalists, learn a second language (Modern Standard Arabic) and attend a study tour in Geneva with the UN,” Amelia said.


While studying Amelia is working as the Events and Marketing Officer for the Oasis of Peace UK, an organisation which supports initiatives that bring together Jews and Palestinians and helps to break down the barriers of division and conflict.


“It’s a fascinating organisation, founded 45 years ago by Father Bruno Hussar, who was born a Jew in Egypt. His work took him to Israel, and his experiences of the conflict eventuated in a vision of creating a place where as co-citizens of Israel, Jews and Arab Palestinians (both Christian and Muslim) would live together, bringing up their families together in peace.


“Our mission is to advance social equity and cohesion in both Israel and the United Kingdom, and we do this by fundraising and raising awareness through events, newsletters, presentations, talks, and visits of delegates from the community. We also make applications to Trusts, inter-governmental organisations and other bodies to fund particular projects.


“Our Trustees constitute an incredible roll-call of retired Judges, British diplomats, high profile corporate executives, writers, and the like. It’s an inspiring place to work.


“I have not quite escaped Australia though, because I also work at a café called Granger and Co. owned by Australian Chef Bill Granger. It’s in Notting Hill and proves a very popular place for brunch and celebrity spotting,” Amelia said.


As if she is not already busy enough, Amelia is also active in three volunteer roles. She is Vice President of the UN Society at SOAS, on the committee for UniMelb Alumni in the UK (which just turned 25) and she is a mentor for Melbourne University.



“I enjoy being on these committees and I would love any Old Girtonians to get in touch if they are planning on attending Melbourne University or if they are Melbourne Uni alumni and are in London or plan on visiting the UK.


“London can be a lonely city, and the Melbourne Uni alumni is such a supportive space for Australian graduates in London,” said Amelia.