Student's Learning At MVPS

Celebrating Careers

UN  DAY - Year 6

United Nations Day occurred on the 9th of May 2019. For UN Day everyone dressed formally for this momentous occasion.

All of Year 6 prepared a speech regarding their newly formed nation and presented to other United Nations delegates.


We started the day with of their country a speech from the UN leader Mr Levey. Later each student separated into their classroom to present their speeches. The speeches included an overview of their country, the alliances made and the trading resources that come with the relationship, and the allocation of the UN funds. Later on we had afternoon tea with all of Year 6.


We surveyed the students on their opinion about UN day. Majority of Year 6 enjoyed the event and thought it was very professional.It was amazing for all of us to experience what it felt like to be delegates in the UN. Our classrooms were organised differently similar to an actual United Nations meeting.


Each delegate of the UN prepared a speech to present. The speech included information of their nation, such as their name, location, how it formed, what government style, climate, population, countries you have formed relationships with and they finished with a thank you for the funds the UN has provided. Our speeches had to be two to three minutes long and tried to speak professional.


Overall, UN day was a educational and magnificent highlight. Although it did require hard work, practice and dedication it was a rewarding event. Thanks to all the brilliant teachers for making this day possible.


-Tahlia, Caitlin and Manya 6MR