Student News

School Captains' Message


I hope everyone is doing well during this remote learning period. Staying positive and productive is my way of getting through this and making sure I am connecting with friends and family over the phone. Apps that are great to use for connecting with people are Zoom, Google Meet and FaceTime. As we can’t connect with our extended family in person you could go on a family chat to catch up and talk! Same goes with friends. Also, make sure you are getting enough sunlight and time outdoors. One of the most important things to make sure you are doing is your schoolwork. Make sure it has been done well and don’t slack off because you are at home. The teachers are always looking at your work. 


           Some tips are ↓

  • Go outside and clear your mind
  • Read a book
  • Learn something new e.g try a new recipe
  • Try to accomplish something everyday
  • Set a routine

These are some things that can help you stay productive and positive!

        12 and up... WEAR A MASK! Social Distance! Stay safe! <3

Estelle 😉


Sports House Captains 

Alicia’s Activities For Families to Do at Home 


Recycled Bottle Bowling (outdoor)

Equipment: 10 Plastic bottles about the same size but not essential


  1. Kids must collect 10 recycling bottles but it can't be too thick and wide about a round body in perfect size for this game and at least three balls not too light and heavy.
  2.  Set the bottles in a triangle shape. Line the bottle like 4 at the back 3 second last  2 middle and 1 the first.
  3. Each person will have 2 attempts to knock down all 10 bottles. After 2 turns their score is how many bottles they knocked down.
  4. Set or draw a mark that is a fair distance for everyone to roll the ball from.
  5. Roll the ball and see how many you knock down.
  6. There can be as many rounds as you like, however, the normal is 10 rounds/turns per game. 
  7. The winner is the person who has the most points at the end of the game - 10 rounds.


Ball ladder toss (outdoor)

Equipment: A ladder, Balls or Socks


1.Cut five equal paper sizes and write 100,50,20,10,5 get a ladder,stick the numbers on the ladder's edge from largest to smallest.

2. get some balls or socks to toss with. Once you have the balls or socks you can toss it into the gaps.

3.write down your scores.

Rules: Dont write a number that's higher than your score.


Hopscotch (outdoor)

Equipment:chalk,rocks or pebbles


1.Use the chalk to make squares. After drawing the squares write numbers in each box. 

2.Find a rock or a pebble to toss in a box,then hop to your rock or pebble. 


Musical chairs (indoor or outdoor)

Equipment:Chairs,prize and music          


Tell your parents to get a prize ready,if your family has 5 members you’ll need 4 chairs .After every round you lower the number of chairs one by one.

Play the music. When it stops,you have to sit. The last person standing is out.

Rules:no cheating 


Scavenger hunt (indoor and outdoor) 

equipment:Toys paper(pictures of toys)


1.Kids must choose five toys and give them to their parents to hide.

2.After hiding them the kids should have a list of toys they have chosen.

3.Now they go find their toys,after finding one tick the box.


Hide and seek(outdoor and indoor)



1.Choose a seeker,the seeker is the person who finds the hiders after they have counted.

2.The rest are the hiders,the hiders will go hide while the seeker counts up to 25 to 30 seconds.

3.After the seeker has counted to 25 or 30 seconds they go find 

The hiders. Once the seeker had find the one hider that the hider must not tell where the rest are hiding. 


Freeze dance(indoor) 



1.Choose a person to be in control of the music.

2.Once the music has started,dance, but when it stops they freeze. 


Heads Down Thumbs Up (indoor)



1Kids or parents must choose at least two people to be the tappers. 

2.The rest would have heads down and thumbs out. 

3.the tappers will go tap a person each.

4.The people that have been tapped they will stand and guess who tapped them. If they're right they swap places,if they dont they dont swap.


Mother May I


1.The mum (tagger) will stand and ask questions like may i have the kids that have brown hair and those people will have to cross.

2.If the tagger(mum) tags the children they are the new mum.


Red Rover


1.Choose someone to be the person who chases the people and calls out the topics.(same person)

2.When the tager calls something out,if you're wearing or have it,you must run to the other side without the tager catching you.

3.Dont get caught,or you're going to be the new person. 

e.g if the tager asks if you're wearing white socks,and your wearing white socks you must run.