Principal's News

Christ Centred - Child Centred

Dear parents, families and friends,

With the current situation, I will be attempting whenever possible to publish the School Newsletter weekly to maintain connection with our community. This of course means that I will have less to write about each week, however, I do encourage you to view each page. I have added some activities supporting the weekly gospel in Faith News. The list of students that received an award and a recording of the assembly have been added to School News. A Student News page has been added where our Student School Leaders will be making contributions.


We have been advertising the Pie Drive the past few weeks. At this point we have to cancel the Pie Drive. After a lengthy discussion and careful consideration of the logistics involved, we cannot guarantee contactless delivery and collection of the pie orders. We would also be in breach of a number of restrictions put in place for schools. Hopefully we can have the Pie Drive once we return to onsite learning.


We have found our architecture firm to begin our new School Master Plan. We will be engaging the services of Architecture Matters. We will begin the initial stages of the process this week. Shortly we will be seeking input from students, parents and staff via surveys and video meets. I am really excited about the possibilities this will bring for our school in the very near and distant future.


A reminder that re-enrolment forms need to be returned to the school via email or letterbox as soon as possible. We are beginning to make preparations for next year and need to know how many current students will be continuing with us next year before we can offer places to new enquiries. Also, the final installment of fees is due by the 22nd August.


'For tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today!' - African Proverb



Kind regards,

Matthew Stead
