Engagement and Wellbeing 

Wellbeing During Remote and Flexible Learning

This week has certainly been one of change and we know that all families will be taking some time to reflect on how the transition back to remote and flexible learning will impact them at this time. For some people the thought of this experience again is completely overwhelming which is understandable. We want to let you know that we are here for you.


Should things not be travelling so well, all we ask is that those affected make contact with us and hopefully we will be able to offer some guidance and support. We will again be flexible and supportive during what we know is a higher period of stress on families.


As is always the case, should things go wrong, please contact your classroom teacher first. Should things need further attention after that, then make contact with our office to speak with a member of our principal team.


We have numerous structures in place to support wellbeing and engagement during remote and flexible learning. Please see below for a breakdown of some key supports that are applicable to parents/carers during this time.

Parent Handbook

We are currently working on our Parent Handbook for Remote Learning (Ver 2.0). Once updated, we will send out to all families via Compass for your reference. This handbook will be invaluable in clarifying your role and the expectations of our students at this time. We encourage all families to read this carefully. 

Parent Briefing

This time around, all year levels will be holding a recorded parent briefing to discuss core elements of remote learning. These sessions will also support clarity and understanding of the role of parents/caregivers, students and staff during this time. A time for your year level’s briefing will be advertised at a later point.

Parent/Student Feedback Surveys

A key learning from last time was to seek feedback from parents, staff and students early on in the program. We anticipate sending out a survey for families to complete which will provide an opportunity to share feedback on wellbeing and teaching and learning elements.

Student Social Connections

Throughout this period of remote learning, staff will be finding ways for students to connect with other peers in a structured social experience. By doing so, we aim to continue building the social skills of all children and also encourage families to work with their friends outside of school to structure in some social time.

Wellbeing Days

A focus for this time around will be to ensure that structured wellbeing days will take place. Whilst these are yet to be clarified and set, the aims will be around promoting mental health and wellbeing strategies.

Ballarat Foundation - Food Relief

In last week’s community broadcast, our ‘Be Positive’ students encouraged any families experiencing difficulties to consider accessing the Ballarat Foundation’s Food Bank delivery service. This service provides food hampers to many families across Ballarat and surrounding areas on a fortnightly basis.


Should any family wish to take part in this program, the process is simple:

  1. Please email Scott at scott.mcglynn@education.vic.gov.au stating that you wish to take part in the Food Bank Program.
  2. We will organise hampers through the program (your details will not be shared at any point).
  3. Collection of deliveries will be advised and take place in a private and confidential manner.

Please rest assured that your privacy and confidentiality are extremely important to us.

Last Week’s Assembly Recording

If you missed last week’s broadcast and would like to see it, please click on the following link:
