
Lucy O'Dea

The Prep/One students have listened to, read and created some pictures to demonstrate their understanding of the Whole School Scripture, the Final Judgement, Matthew 25:31-40. After tuning in to the scripture by creating pictures to match parts of the scripture, the students have been developing a deeper understanding by using the thinking routine, Word Phrase Sentence. The students will investigate and analyse the WORDS, PHRASES and SENTENCES that have grabbed their attention. Some examples are below.


Sophie identified ‘food’ and ‘goats’ as interesting words and the sentence that she connected with was ‘I was in prison and you came to me’. 

Vy recorded some interesting phrases to her, ‘all the nations’, ‘on the left’ and ‘the foundation of the world’. The sentence that captured her interest was ‘I was hungry and you gave me food’ and ‘ I was thirsty and you gave me a drink’. 


After unpacking and exploring the vocabulary from the Whole School Scripture the students will begin to put the scripture back together and make connections with their faith and the message from Jesus from the Final Judgement.