
Parker Yang

大家好(da jia hao),

Here we are again in our remote learning of Chinese. This term, we have new focused topics and try to increase the use of language in our home. The online platforms create a range of different ways for the students to engage with the language. And it is amazing to see some parents also involved in the language learning process together. 

The topic for the first half of the term is about colours! We are learning how to name the colours in Chinese and to express our preferences towards colours. As colour is a topic that is part of our daily conversations, the vocabulary in this topic will help build a really important foundation in our Chinese learning. 

Students from different levels are engaging with the topic via various ways. Here are some of the activities and achievements our brilliant students have achieved so far.

Chinese on Seesaw

The junior level students are learning through various online resources to express their favourite colours in Chinese. In our recent “Rainbow Treasure Hunt” activity, a lot of students have shown a great command of different colours in Chinese and can use those in our daily language to describe an object. 

Learning journal of Chinese 

The middle and senior level students have been using Kami as a new way to record their learning in Chinese. Some students have been interviewing their family members about the preference on colours. And they have created lovely and effective conversations in Chinese to conduct the interview.

I am amazed by how devoted and diligent our students are in engaging with Chinese at home. And I really appreciate the support and participation from parents in our learning program. 

Xie Xie (谢谢!)

Mr. Yang