Kids Corner 

Some of the wonderful work being done at home

Writing and Poems by Grade 2


Dogs dogs dogs

Black dogs

White dogs

Lots of different colour dogs

Brown and white dogs

That’s just a few

Big dogs

Small dogs

Somewhere in the middle dogs

Licky dogs

Jumpy dogs

Best of all last of all I like cool dogs






By Sam 2CD



Secret Santa!!!! 


On the 30th of July my family and I decided that it would be fun to have Christmas in July. So last night we did. My Mum cooked a roast turkey with all the trimmings. Then we had meringues with cream and berries for dessert. It was really yummy.


On Monday night we had to pull a name out of a hat for our Christmas in July, and that person would be our Kris Kringle. We then only had 20 dollars to spend on them. The person I got was my Dad. It was hard trying to think of what to get him for his present. I decided that he likes golf, so I went with Mum and got him a golf glove. Of course, I spent over the 20 dollar limit but only by 4 dollars.


We then had to write a card and write a clue as to who we were. My clue was “From your favourite son”! This was funny as he has three sons and he had to guess who it was.


By Hugo G   2CD 

Albie N 2CD
Sid 2CD
Lucinda B 2CD
Albie N 2CD
Sid 2CD
Lucinda B 2CD
Lachie G 2CD
Ashlee 2CD
Lachie G 2CD
Ashlee 2CD
Daniel 2CU
Grace 2CU
Daniel 2CU
Grace 2CU
Alexis 2CU
Alexis 2CU
Evan 1CS
Marko 1CS
Evan 1CS
Marko 1CS

How we can help our neighbors by Spencer 1CS 

Over three week Ben H. in 2WP has created an amazing image for his skateboard. He used Poscas and drafted a design first. 

We may have a new amazing skateboard designer emerging during this period of remote learning.


Year Two 2D Shape Posters 

Here are some of the incredible 2D Shapes Posters that students in Year Two created last week. The posters themselves are 3D! Crazy, right? Each 2D shape is like a little card, shaped like a square, a circle, a triangle or a pentagon. Inside each shape is the number of lines, vertices and angles the shape has. We worked on these over a few sessions. As you can see, the end results are pretty impressive. 



Jemimah 2WP
Henry 2WP
John 2WP
Jemimah 2WP
Henry 2WP
John 2WP


During this round of remote learning and staying home, the Cooper kids (Henry (2WP), Holly and Ben(1BS)) have learned how to finger knit. They watched a clip on YouTube and soon became experts at it. How great to see a new, fun hobby taking off. I believe that Henry is using his knitting to make himself a belt. Great work Cooper Kids! Thank you for adding some woolly colour to our lives. 





































All work reproduced with permission of parents.