Principal's News

Dear Parents,

Thank you again for your support this week.  Thank you also to the parents who completed our survey.


We have been reviewing the data and will use your feedback to continue to improve the program we provide for your children.


Some of the feedback we have been heartened by include the fact that students and parents are finding the Google Slides an easier way of accessing and completing the assigned tasks. An area we will continue to develop is ‘live’ lessons, both whole class and small group. 


We are working as a team to try and provide an experience that meets the needs of a majority of families, in an age appropriate manner and within the limitations the staff are working in. 


The following are the daily minimum guidelines schools are expected to meet for students in Prep to Year 6:


For students in Prep to Year 2:

  • literacy activities that take a total of about 45-60 minutes
  • numeracy activities of about 30-45 minutes
  • additional learning areas, play-based learning and physical activity of about 30-45 minutes.

For students in Years 3 to 6:

  • Literacy: 45-60 minutes
  • Numeracy: 30-45 minutes
  • Physical activities: 30 minutes
  • Additional curriculum areas: 90 minutes

Onsite Supervision

This week has seen a number of announcement being made in relation to the Stage 4 Lockdown and the availability of supervision for students onsite.  What has been made clear by the Premier is that we need to reduce the number of people moving around the community in order to reduce the rate of infection of COVID-19.  It has been confirmed this afternoon that the rules around accessing pre-school and child care programs, differ to the rules around accessing onsite supervision at a Primary School. 


Please refer to the COMPASS notifications sent out each week to register your interest in onsite supervision, ensuring you meet the criteria.


Contacting Staff

Please remember that you can contact your child’s teacher to discuss any concerns or feedback you have. Please email the teacher and they will call you back.  Either Dean or I will be onsite each day.


Please stay safe!

Robyn James