Student Reporters
Student Reporters:
Georgie, Willow and Cooper
New Staff 2023
The start of this year, we have had 3 new teachers for our school, Rebecca Buzza (Ms. Buzza), Georgie Cleary (Mrs. Cleary), and Isabella Nash. Ms. Buzza has been hired as a Health and Dance teacher to replace music, Mrs. Cleary is now teaching a 1-2 class full of kids willing to learn, and Bella is starting as a trainee for Numurkah Primary School. We interviewed Ms. Buzza and Bella to find out things about them.
Bella’s Interview.
- What do you plan to do in the future?
I plan to be an Occupational Therapist for kids.
- What is your current role at Numurkah Primary School?
I’m currently an intervention and classroom support teacher.
- Are you enjoying it here?
Yes, of course!
- How do you like it in RM2, and how are you settling in?
I love it in there, and I’m settling in fine. The little kids are so cute!
- Will you be a full-time O.T. or more of a support O.T.?
More support. An O.T. is for helping motor skills and intellectual skills.
Ms. Buzza’s Interview.
- What’s your favourite part about dance and health?
For dance, It’s the music and how it gets your body up and moving. My favourite part about health is the fun exercise activities and learning about healthy relationships.
- What has been challenging about your work here?
Learning everybody’s name! But I’m getting there.
- Why is your teacher role important?
I think its important to teach kids about being active and having healthy habits and how these things can make us better learners.
- Why did you want to teach dance and health?
I’ve always loved to dance, since I was young and before I was a teacher. I practiced as a Nurse, so very passionate about all things healthy!
- Why did you want to work at Numurkah Primary School?
Numurkah Primary School has a very friendly and welcoming school community and close to where I live.
As students at Numurkah Primary School, we love to welcome and encourage new people to be immersed in our school and happily working/learning here.