From the Principal's desk
Welcome BBQ
It was great to see so many of our families at our welcome BBQ. Below are some snaps from the evening.
NPS Choir has resumed this year under the guidance of our Chaplin Tam. Firstly we have started with the 5/6 group, who are all very keen to 'brush up' their singing skills. We have commenced choir practice on Thursdays with a possible Year 4 choir under discussion due to high demand!
The group is looking forward to presenting songs at assembly and ANZAC day. Please remind your child/ren to practice at home if they have committed to choir for 2023.
Naplan Testing
Naplan Testing will be taking place in Week 9, 20th March - 24th March. Students in Year 3 and Year 5 will be participating. We have been preparing children for this testing over the last few weeks. If you do not want your child to participate in these tests - please contact your classroom teacher.
Parent Teacher Interviews
This year we will be running our parent-teacher interviews differently from previous years. There will be no classes scheduled for the Wednesday 5th April - students will not attend school but are encouraged to come with their parent to the interviews which will run all day. Bookings will be released soon in Compass.
School Council Elections 2023
If you would like to join our school council please see information below as nominations close this week.
- An election is to be conducted for members of the school council of NUMURKAH PRIMARY SCHOOL.
- Nomination forms may be obtained from the school office or emailed and must be lodged by 4.00 pm on 04/03/2023.
- Following the closing of nominations a list of the nominations received will be posted at the school.
- If we have more nominations than vacancies, an election will be called and the ballot will close at 4 pm on 17/03/2023.
We currently have 4 parent vacancies.
Nomination forms are attached below and are also available in the school office.
This year we are focusing on ensuring that we have no unexplained absences. If your child is ill or there is another reason they will be away, let us know through Compass or call the office.
It is important that every family can access compass. If you are having problems logging on or are not sure how to use it, please contact the office.
Debbie Oliver