Around the Primary Classes


The children’s first days in Kindergarten have been happy ones, meeting new friends and learning their names. The students have been engaged, busy and settling into the Kinder routines.



Preps were very excited to start off their first day. We are all settling in well and the students are having a lovely time exploring their new classroom. Our first activity in Prep was creating our "We Were Stars on Our First Day of Prep" crowns. We are looking forward to an exciting year, on a learning journey together. 

Year 1

In Year 1 we’ve been exploring our ‘new’ space. While the walls are the same, there have been some changes for a growing and changing group of girls. We have been playing using a range of Mathematics based learning materials. There were many conversations about shapes, textures, numbers, sharing, connections and fun. 

Year 2

Year 2 will provide each student the opportunity to shine through the rainbow of possibilities on offer.  On Monday, Mrs Reynolds began with a discussion of goals and what the year might look like, feel like and sound like. Mrs Wall then followed up on Tuesday with each student writing two goals they have for the year.  One goal in relation to learning and one goal in relation to our outlook, mindset or attitude at school.  These are displayed in the classroom so pop on in and read our personal goals for the year.

Year 4

This week, the students in Year 4 have been getting to know the new classroom spaces, routines and structures. The girls started the week by organising their learning equipment and setting up their iPads, ready for a year of learning ahead.  Miss Smith and Mrs Coleman have been impressed with the kindness the girls have shown each other and how quickly they have settled into their new environment.

Year 5 Navy

The Year 5 class have welcomed many new students.  We have loved getting to know them. We have begun the year by turning the Mount Carmel uniform policies into eye catching posters. We have also been reading and ordering very large numbers.