The international students in the English Language Centre have been working diligently on all of their tasks. They are in the process of completing CATs and cannot wait for the holidays as some are returning home to Vietnam and China to visit their families. Thank you to all the students and homestay parents for making them feel so welcomed. Next term, they will be visiting Sovereign Hill.
We also want to congratulate the Year 12 EAL students for completing all of their SACs successfully, and to wish them good luck for their upcoming practice exams.
Working Bee - Saturday 15 September
Year 10 Bridging Biodiversity and Sustainability Garden Project
The Bridging students are very excited about their garden, and have marked out an area near the oval. Although they have come a long way, and are enthusiastic each time they are in the garden, they need some support.
For this reason, we are holding a Working Bee on Saturday 15 September from 9am to midday.
If you are able to attend, please bring a spade if you are able to do so. Refreshments will be provided.
Any queries and to advise of any dietary requirements please email me on 08303859@mgsc.vic.edu.au
Ms Ekaterina Xanthopoulos
EAL & ELC Coordinator