Health & PE

Year 8 Hip Hop Competition
Our Year 8 Hip Hop competition was held at lunchtime last Friday. Year 8 students choreographed and performed hip hop routines as part of their Physical Education classes. The best group from each class was then selected to performed in the competition.
Well done to all competing groups. Judging was extremely different. Your performances were dynamic, well-rehearsed and full of enthusiasm.
1st – 8D Molly, Imogen, Keziah, Natalie, Sophia
2nd – 8C Marcelle, Alex, Hayley, Samantha, Vicky
3rd – 8A Allie, Olivia, Beth, Zoe
Colour Run
The Colour Run is period 4 on Wednesday 19 September. All details are on Compass. We look forward to having lots of colourful fun celebrating positive health and wellbeing.
Ms Jackie Mathews
Domain Leader, Health & PE