From the Principal

Welcome back for Term 2. As you may be aware I have been appointed as Sue's backfill for Terms 2 and 3. Sue has been seconded to a short term Principal Consultant position at Flinders Park Education office, returning to Para Vista in Term 4. We are fortunate at Para Vista to have a competent and capable leadership and staff group who will continue the smooth running of the Preschool and School in her absence. Lisa McMahon will increase to full time leadership during this time and Lauren Burton will backfill as teacher of P6.
Classes have already got straight back into literacy routines and displays are evolving to showcase individual student learning and growth.
Student reading goals have been displayed by every class and will be reviewed with the students every five weeks as a check in on how they are going towards their goal. New reading bookmarks are being developed to go in home readers and will include how parents can help their child read at each stage of reading development. We have also purchased more decodable readers to be taken home by students who are learning to blend 3-4 letter words. Decodable texts are made up mostly of words that can be sounded out and supports the skill of decoding.
The school is looking a bit different this term with new windows and doors installed in the Vista corridor (downstairs) providing much more light to the corridor and classrooms. The preschool also had a new kitchen installed over the holidays and are looking forward to cooking with the new oven and stove!
Just a reminder that students may be dropped off to school from 8:30am onwards as this is when the yard is open and supervised. Students needing to be at school any earlier than this need to be booked into OSHC.
Thanks Melissa Mills