Meet our College Captains



Aschley Oglialoro, Social Justice Captain, Clyde North Campus

 What do you see as your role as a leader?

As a leader I see my role as a voice for the students, an opportunity for me to serve in leadership and allow God to use me to inspire, influence and encourage the students to get involved in social justice, to get involved in helping those in our community that are struggling. A lot of students at St. Peter's College have incredible ideas and initiatives towards social justice that need to be heard and I’ve always believed that we are blessed to be blessings, so I see my role as a blessing which I want to use to continue to encourage students to step out of their comfort zones and serve with purpose. 

What is one of the positives about being a student at St. Peter's College?

Personally, as someone who has struggled with belonging to a community, one positive about being a student at St. Peter’s College is that when you step out of your comfort zone and allow your mindset to change, it becomes a place of growth. I have grown and learned so much from the students and teachers I’ve met at St. Peter’s College and it has allowed me to be in a position where I can encourage students to do the same. Being a student at St. Peter's College after so many years of moving schools has allowed me to grow into someone who wants to see change and growth in the students around me more than anything else, it has humbled me and encouraged me to care and serve others before myself. 

Who is the one person you admire most and why?

The one person that I truly admire the most, would be my best friend Kevin, not only because he pushes me to be the best person I can be but because he reminds me that God loves me every single day without fail. In the times where I feel most unworthy, he reminds me why God even chose me in the first place, he reminds me that God has a plan for me in every season and that my life has purpose. Having someone that believes in you the way he believes in me, someone who can push you out of your comfort zone and show you the beautiful things about life even when you don’t want to see them is so important. 

What are your goals as College Captain in 2021?

My goals as Social Justice Captain in 2021 are mainly to see growth in the young people getting involved. I want to encourage more generosity as I always believed that it’s always the perfect time to give because you truly don’t know how much it could mean to somebody out there that is struggling to see that somebody cares, and I want more St. Peter’s College students to be the ones who care. I want to encourage students to speak up, to show their creativity and initiatives and feel like their opinion matters because it does and if even one person stands up, then it can inspire others to do the same. As a social justice leader I have an ultimate goal to see more young people serve and be eager to help those who are disadvantaged, to care for those who aren’t usually cared for and to allow God to use them to be blessings to those who have lost their joy. 


2021 College Theme

“I can do this through Christ, who gives me strength”. Philippians 4:13

How will you live this statement through your leadership role?

Being a leader can definitely be tough, especially when it comes to social justice because there is so much in our world that needs to be voiced, this verse is an encouragement to me and in the times where the pressure becomes too much or there are obstacles that seem too big to face, I want to always remember how much God has already brought me through, how he has already conquered what’s ahead of me as a leader and that even when there will be adversity that I would overcome because of who strengthens me and I’ll be able to remind those around me that they will also overcome because of who strengthens them. I want to always serve knowing that I’m not relying merely on my own strength and remind others around me that they don’t have too either because God is more than willing to give us his. Being a leader and having a lot of initiatives from myself and students as well as many expectations it can sometimes feel discouraging when things don’t go the way you planned, but this verse reminds us that we can do this and because we have God, everything will fall exactly into place at the perfect time. 

In one sentence what is the one thing that you would  like to say to your fellow students?

Allow yourself to grow, step out of your comfort zone and show up every day as the best version of yourself and you’ll see you will start to impact change, you are important.


Deandra D’Penha, Social Justice Captain, Cranbourne Campus

What do you see as your role as a leader?

In my role, to be a leader I see this position as an opportunity to help and guide the school community to be better people in general by standing in solidarity to injustice. As a leader the most important characteristic you can have is to be inclusive and be a servant leader. 

What is one of the positives about being a student at St. Peter's College?

A positive characteristic about being a student at St Peter’s College is that if you want something done, the College will try its best to get it done. In the case of trying to spread justice in the College community being a student at the College is really beneficial. Overall, St. Peter’s College is a very inclusive place to be as we put our differences aside to achieve a common goal.

Who is the one person you admire most and why?

It would have to be my ma, as she is the one that always pushes me to be the best I can be. We all need a person to remind us and push us to our limits and she is that person to me.

What are your goals as College Captain in 2021?

My goal this year is to encourage students from across all year levels to be selfless and to think about the wider community locally or globally on how they can improve it. Another goal is to work collaboratively and to be a listening ear to all suggestions on being advocates for social justice within the College.


 2021 College Theme

“I can do this through Christ, who gives me strength”. Philippians 4:13

How will you live this statement through your leadership role?

This verse is a prime example of how God provides for everyone and that you can achieve anything through God. 

In one sentence what is the one thing that you would  like to say to your fellow students?

Don’t be afraid to be yourself and live up to the full potential of God’s plan for your life.