Health and Fitness



Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to Term 2. I hope that the two-week break was both restful and active.  It has been pleasing to hear that some families have been accessing our data bank and accessing some of the sports and community activities that were listed in it. Thanks to all who contributed to building the resource bank and remember, if you hear of new activities to be included in it, send the details of the club or organisation to me at school. 

Towards the end of last term, Jackson School received a grant of $2800 from Sporting Schools Australia. This will be used to provide professional coaching for our students in the sports of Basketball and Soccer, and they will commence for Year 9/10  and Year 5/6 students, respectively, in the coming weeks for a four-week intensive program. The coaching will be supplied by Basketball Australia and Football (Soccer) Australia organisations.

Our VCAL students will also be receiving some AFL skills training sessions and these are being provided for free via the Football Integration Development Association. FIDA have a team operating out of St Albans, and they are currently looking to recruit new players for their team. This is mainly applicable for our Secondary and Senior Secondary students.

Finally, I have been browsing the Get Active Victoria Website.  This is a great resource for students and families, and includes resources in a variety of areas including Nutrition, Fitness and Health and Wellbeing. The following article on Balance is taken from the website.