
Sandhurst Intermediate Tennis 


On Monday the 1st of March Year levels 9 and 10 competed in the Intermediate Sandhurst Tennis at the Fosterville Gold Tennis Centre. The intermediate males placed 3rd in their division and the intermediate females placed runners up in their division. 


Overall, all the players enjoyed the day and a special thanks to Ms Nicholls and Ms Speed for supporting and facilitating the players on the day.



Willow Barnett (10 Jenkin)

Tennis Captain


Girton vs GVGS Tennis 

On Friday the 5th of March Year levels 7 – 12 competed against Goulbourn Valley Grammar School in tennis at the Shepparton Lawn Tennis Club. Unfortunately, neither the junior nor senior division won their section overall, but everyone enjoyed the day and gained valuable experience. Sid Vijayanand 11 Millward and I were awarded best players for Girton on the day. 


A massive thanks to Ms Speed and Mr James who organised and supported the players on the day, the day would not have run as well without them.  



Willow Barnett (10 Jenkin)

Tennis Captain