Before and After School Student Supervision

To ensure that parents and carers are regularly informed of our duty of care in supervising students before and after school hours, I wish to confirm the arrangements that are in place in the Girton Grammar Senior School.


The Victorian Department of Education stipulates that Schools must ensure school supervision is provided for a minimum of 10 minutes before and after school and that parents and carers are responsible for the care and supervision of students travelling to and from school. 


Normal hours of school operation in the Senior School are as follows: 


Monday to Friday: 8.15 am until 5.00 pm.


Students can expect to be supervised by staff members from 8.15 am each morning. Students undertaking Girton co-curriculum activities before school should expect to be supervised from whatever time the co-curriculum activity commences. 


After school, students who are not undertaking a co-curriculum activity should leave the school grounds by 5.00 pm. Between 3.30 pm and 5.00 pm, active student supervision is available in the Library. Students on school grounds but not in the Library or participating in co-curricular activities will be asked by staff members to commence packing up and leaving school grounds at approximately 4.45 pm. 


Please be aware that the Senior School reception in the Morey building, closes daily at 4.30 pm. 


Senior School students are deemed sufficiently mature to leave school grounds independently after school hours, with the knowledge and consent of their parents. If you intend to collect your child from school after 5.00 pm, please arrange to meet them at a location that is mutually convenient, which could include one of the Senior School exits. 


Staff members who are departing the school around 5.00 pm are expected to check-in with students who are waiting to be collected by parents or carers to ensure they have collection arrangements in place. If there is any doubt regarding student collection, the school will follow the advice of the Department of Education and; 


  • Contact the parent/carer
  • Contact the student’s emergency contact identified in student records
  • Contact other known contacts


If it is well beyond collection time and all reasonable attempts to locate the appropriate responsible adults, as per above, fail, staff will consider contacting the police or the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to arrange care and protection of the student if the student does not feel safe travelling home independently. 


Please feel free to contact the school if you have any queries about student supervision in the Senior School before and after school. 



Dr Clayton Massey