Goodbye, Hello, Art and Keep Coming to School!

Goodbye Carl
After working at Larnook Public School as the cleaner for many years, Carl has finally decided to hang up the vacuum cleaner! Any type of cleaning is hard work and cleaning a school is a particularly challenging job. We thank Carl for his hard work over the years and wish him all the best in his retirement or next venture. Many thanks to Sherrell for taking over this important and challenging role.
Welcome Mrs Cecil
We welcome Mrs Renee Cecil to the teaching staff of Larnook Public School this term. Renee comes to us with many years of experience with Kindergarten to Year Two classes. While Ms Emerton has her administration and extra reading support days on Thursday and Friday, Ms Cecil will teach the Dragonflies.
Paper Sculptures
Last week we gathered as a whole school and learnt about paper sculptures. We watched a video from the Tate Gallery in London and that showed us how to build the sculptures by using strips of paper and card and glue.
Of course the children had their own fabulous ideas and they went on to create some amazing pieces!
How lovely to see everyone back at school this term. It is particularly exciting when EVERYONE comes to school and happily, that is happening more frequently. When you have a school of twenty-three children, even one child absent makes a difference!
Of course, we all need to take time off if we are sick. However, taking days off school for other reasons that may not be so important really does affect your child’s ability to learn and socialise positively. Please help your child to be happy and confident at school by encouraging them to be at school every day they can.