School Reporters 

Leila, Baelan and Jacinta 

The oval was buzzing on Wednesday with future football stars developing their handballing, kicking and marking skills at the AFL clinic. We have interviewed eight students from the junior area that participated in the AFL clinic to see how they found the activities.


Gigi from AFL Goulburn Murray was the instructor who came to the school to teach the junior students some new skills based on football. They played a different range of games that worked on handballing, kicking and marking.


1/2 N


Q. What are the different games you played?

A.       Angry Ogre

           Relay race with a football

          Partner games



Q. What did you learn?

A. We learnt how to have fun while playing football.


Prep A



Q.What did you learn?

A. We learnt how to kick and catch the football.



Q.Was the AFL clinic fun? Why?

A.It was very fun because we got to play different games about football.


2/3 R



Q. What did you do at the AFL clinic?

A. We learnt different skills for football.



Q. Did you have fun at the clinic? Why?

A. We played a game and I liked it because we got to run around.


1/2 W



Q. What did you do at the AFL clinic?

A. We played lots of games based on football.



Q. What was your favourite part at the AFL clinic? Why?

A. Angry Ogre because we had to steal the ogre’s treasure.


Look out Buddy Franklin and Bri Davey we have future stars in the making.