
TERM 2, Week 4 


This week we have begun using our new sky, grass, dirt writing books. This is a great progression for student's writing as they transition from writing on plain paper to dotted third lines. We have been working hard to practise our handwriting and get to know which spaces each letter sits in when we write. The dotted third spaces that we write in are coloured green (grass), blue (sky) and brown (dirt). These colours are very helpful in teaching the children where each letter sits.

-The grass letters are: a, c, e, m, n, o, n, s, u, v, w & x. 

-The sky/grass letters are: b, d, h, i, k, l & t.

-The grass/dirt letters are: g, p, q, y & z. 

-The sky/grass/dirt letters are: f & j.

Parent Helpers

Just a reminder that we are seeking parents/grandparents/carers to assist with our Learning Centre rotations from 12.15- 12.55pm Tuesday-Friday each week. During this time the students participate in a range of Literacy activities whilst the teachers take Guided Reading groups. 



This term in Religion we have been learning all about God's creation and how to look after our environment. In the coming weeks we will be participating in some wonderful activities centered around looking after our local environment. We will be planting trees and going for a nature walk to the river to collect rubbish. Please be on the look out for a permission form on PAM in the coming days for our nature walk. 



The children are LOVING building things at our box construction space this term which means we have been running out of boxes. If you have any boxes (no bigger than a shoe box) that you are able to donate, we would be very appreciative. Thank you! 


Miss Marr & Mrs Haase :)