From the Assistant Principal

Years 7-9

Kristie Satilmis

Student voice at AHS

Student voice is a much-valued part of our improvement focus at Auburn, and students are regularly invited to share their feedback on the teaching, learning and broader school experience.  Over the past fortnight, students across Years 7 -12 have taken part in the DET Student Attitudes to School Survey, providing important feedback about i) learning - including student-teacher relationships, confidence and motivation, ii) experience at school - including inclusion, respect and connectedness and iii) student wellbeing - including physical and mental health, emotions and help-seeking.  Students have also provided their feedback through the Pivot survey, which affords the opportunity to provide specific class-level data. Thank you to all our students for their participation in these surveys and helping us to continue our improvement journey.

National Reconciliation Week

This week is National Reconciliation Week (NRW).  The dates for this special week are the same each year, from 27 May – 3 June.  These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey.


On 27 May 1967, more than 90 per cent of Australians voted in a referendum to give the Australian Government power to make laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and recognise them in the Census.  On 3 June 1992, the Australian High Court delivered the Mabo decision, leading to the legal recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of lands.  This decision paved the way for Native Title.


We invite students, staff and families in our AHS community to find out more at:

Staffing challenges in schools

You may have heard in the media lately about the current staffing challenges in schools due to Covid and Influenza.  Our focus remains on providing high quality educational programs for all our students and thankfully we have been able to manage reasonably well thus far.  We have been able to access a pool of very good casual relief teachers to ensure continuity of classes and happily, we have not needed to cancel any extra-curricular activities, excursions or camps.


To help us avoid this eventuality and continue to run a full and rich program for our students, we are reaching out to our parent community to call for volunteers.  If you would be available to attend an excursion or sporting activity as the second adult (to assist the supervising teacher) please let us know via this form and we will gratefully add your name to our call list.  No special skills are required, only a willingness to help out!  Volunteers must have a Working With Children Card (these are easy to apply for and are free for volunteers) and sign our Child Safe Code of Conduct.  We look forward to hearing from you!


Please reach out to your child’s Tutor Group teacher or Year Level Leader if you feel your child requires any additional support with their return to school post-illness.

Seeking prize donations for our fundraising raffle to support this year’s school production, You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown!  A message from the production team

Rehearsals are well underway and we are so excited to be able to bring our production to the stage at last!  This will be our first live student performance since the lockdowns and we look forward to our community coming together for this event. To help keep ticket prices as low as possible, student leaders will be conducting a fundraising raffle with prizes drawn on closing night.  If you or your business would be willing to contribute a prize to be included in the raffle, we would very much welcome your support!  All contributors names will be mentioned and thanked in the production programme.


Please get in touch if you have any questions.  Donations can be left at the front office any time and will be gratefully received!

Seats are now on sale!  You can book yours here.