Before and After School Care
At Maramba, we have a great before and after school care program for our families to access every week day from 6:30am to 6:00pm. On school Curriculum Days, they offer a day program if enough families book to use the service.
Set up in one of our gymnasiums with canteen / kitchen, students have access to some great facilities, large indoor play area, climbing wall and basket ball hoop.
TheirCare run a great program offering fresh food, arts and crafts, indoor and a outdoor activities and play to make sure all students are happy and fun. They also support students with home work.
Weekly Program Recap
16.05.22 – 20.05.22
This week at Maramba Ps TheirCare our theme was Art and games! Which are both huge favourites at the service. On offer this week the children had the opportunity to engage in various experiences, such as Fridge magnet craft where the children got to choose and colour in their own individual fridge magnet to take home and place on their fridge at home 😊 The children also engaged in learn to draw experiences, water colour pencil art, origami craft, and clay sculptures of the children choice which encourages each child’s imagination and creativity.
The children engaged in many games, some of which the children request to play weekly whilst also introducing two new games to the service silent ball and two truths one lie. Silent ball is a great game for children of all ages to enjoy and to engage in a group. This game encourages each child’s hand eye coordination and gross motor skills, whilst also practicing their aim. Two truths and a lie are a great game to build relationships and gives the children the opportunity to get to know their peers and educators further. Due to some new faces around the service, we also continued with some other get to know you games such ice breaker games, would you rather games and an about me worksheet.
As always, the children also engaged in spontaneous play such as markers up outside with the footy, playground play and 1 v 1 basketball games within the gym 😊
MTOP = 1.4, 2.1, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.4