Specialist Program

Food Technology- Jane Stacey
During remote and flexible learning, I received some wonderful photos of all the food students had prepared at home with their families. I must say if was great to see that students experimented with the recipes and put their own twist on them. Popular recipes included homemade pizzas and Mother’s Day biscuits. For the remainder of the term we did individual cooking to prepare mini quiches, sausage rolls, souvlakis, kebabs and homemade hamburgers. Roberta showed everyone how to make the best garlic sauce!
Physical Education – Hayley Northridge
Once onsite learning resumed the P.E. program worked hard each week on basic skills and moved into circuits and minor games where the students could use their skills they had learnt. The focus for the term was cricket, basketball and soccer.
Secondary 9/10 have been working hard on their basketball and cricket skills. Each week the students have worked on using their skills and ability in a game situation while working on their team work.
Outdoor Education – Donna Thomas
During Term 2 students in Outdoor Education spent the first six weeks completing a variety of activities at home. These activities included participating in a scavenger hunt, sock golf, building a hut and a bear hunt.
Once onsite learning resumed students were able to participate in a variety of sporting activities both inside the gym and outside on the oval, on the basketball courts and on the new Gaga court.
Science- Chloe Venzia
This term Secondary 9/10 Science Elective Groups have taken part in remote learning and face to face learning. This meant the Secondary 9/10 students got the opportunity to partake in some amazing Chemistry and Physics experiments at home. Students were given the opportunity to participate in Volcano Lava, Paper Airplanes, Bridge Building, Sink or Float, liquids and Spinning Tops. On the return to Face to Face learning students participated in a shortened Wildlife Warriors program. Through this they were able to classify animals and learn about endangered animals. This program concluded in a mini research project about an endangered animal of their choice.
Music- Justin Hall
Students in music elective groups have used this shortened term to continue to work as a band and rehearse songs. All classes have played extremely well with great instrumental skills being shown, even after the long break.
Horticulture- Isobel Baynes
During remote learning it was awesome to see lots of new students participating and contributing to the horticulture elective. The opportunity was there for students to engage with a range of creative gardening ideas including gardens and grounds maintenance and basic landscaping skills at home, seed propagation, growing food from kitchen scraps, upcycled garden tools from plastic milk bottles and DIY insect motels.
Back at school, students have worked outside in freezing conditions to clean up leaf litter and debris around the Grimshaw campus, help move and distribute thirteen cubic meters of mulch, construct planter boxes and garden beds and continue with pruning and soil maintenance. Students have completed individual Work-Placement Portfolios and designed gardens online applying their practical landscaping knowledge and understanding aesthetically, and for possible future employment.
Digital Technology- Jess Mitchell
In Term 2 of the ‘Make Your Own Game’ unit, 9/10 students used Minecraft Education to create their own game. There were a few expert players and so they assisted others to learn the basics of playing. Students then created their own world, some choosing to form a world that is all about fighting monsters and others creating their own buildings to explore. They had to use specific building blocks to create a home base that couldn’t be destroyed and used code to set the spawn point. Then it was time to play – each student hosted their individual world to the rest of the class, where we played and provided constructive feedback. It was great to have so much fun while learning about gaming and code!
Performing Arts and Drama- Shannon Quinn
During Remote and Flexible Learning, we looked at re-created artworks and how we can create art with what we’ve got at home. We compared the artists’ use of costume, props and physicality, and re-created characters of our choice. Back on site, we had great fun learning a hip-hop choreography! We developed our skills in mirroring, timing and physical isolation and ended up learning a whole dance in only a few weeks!