Teaching and Learning

Welcome Back!

The junior school classrooms are filled with happy, excited learners and we are delighted to have our Foundation and Years 1/2 students back onsite with us.

The entire Miners Rest Primary School staff were extremely excited to welcome the children back to school yesterday. It was just delightful to see lots of happy faces coming through the school gates, being welcomed by their teachers, as well as happy parents waving goodbye. 

We would like to sincerely thank our families for their tireless efforts in supporting learning from home over the past weeks and, just as importantly, we are also very grateful for your patience and acceptance of the new arrival and dismissal processes on returning to school. 

Most importantly however, we thank our families for their commitment in preparing and supporting their children to have a positive mindset about returning to school - this has resulted in happy and engaged learners from day one - thank you!

Professional Practice Days

The Department of Education & Training provides each teacher with a number of days throughout the year to focus on developing their professional knowledge and practice to ensure quality teaching and learning in classrooms for all of our students. These days are referred to as Professional Practice Days.

This term, all of the Years 3/4 classroom teachers will be taking their Professional Practice Day this Friday - May 29. This will not impact your child's access to remote learning on this day. A regular day of learning has been planned and will be available to your child. However, the classroom teachers will not be conducting learning conferences and may not be providing feedback on learning this Friday.

The Years 5/6 teachers will be taking their Professional Practice Day on Friday - June 5. For our Years 5/6 students on June 5, regular learning tasks will be set however, classroom teachers will not be conducting learning conferences and may not be providing feedback on learning on Friday, June 5.

If your child is in Years 3-6 and learning onsite, their days of attendance at school will not be affected.


Kylie Nissen - Assistant Principal

Specialist Teaching & Learning

Dear Families,

Below is a table that reflects the work hours of each of our Specialist teachers, including the teaching of our onsite learners (F-2), as well as the time in which they are committed to answering questions and giving timely feedback to online learning tasks submitted by our remote learning students (3-6). I hope that you find this information useful and understand that we are doing our very best to respond to students school wide in regards to their learning tasks.

*Any feedback not provided in the current learning week, will be delivered the following week. We are always checking to ensure our feedback process is consistent for every student. 

*If you have sent an urgent question using the digital platforms and we have not responded, please use your conference times to notify the classroom teacher. They will email us and we will respond as soon as we can. This process also applies if you need to contact a staff member on their non-working day.   

Thank you for your patience and support throughout this remote learning journey, 


The Specialist Team