Classroom News - Year 3

Return to School

We are very excited that we have started to return to school and are able to get to spend time with each other in our classrooms. We have enjoyed spending the time catching up with each other after our time apart and getting back in to the routine of school life. 


Remote Learning 

As remote learning continues year 3 are continuing to work hard on their project based learning task. We have seen some amazing creations from magical lollies to mind blowing board games. It is fantastic to see everyone put so much effort into their creating task and it has become a highlight of the teachers week to see the incredible things you have been busy creating. Below are some of the amazing work that has been submitted over the last two weeks. 

Special Project 

Year 3 have been very busy learning our year 3 song. We have been recording and performing our efforts last week to create an amazing video which showcases our house group spirit. We had a great time learning the lyrics and dance to our song and are super excited to share the finished result with you all.