Year 10 News
My name is Tiffany Greenhill and it is with great excitement that I introduce myself as the Campus Principal for Year 10 in 2022. I feel very privilege to be joining the Frankston High School community and have been incredibly impressed by the staff and students in my first week. I would like to thank all staff and students for their warm welcome and highlight just how much I am looking forward to working with you.
In 2022 the key priorities of my role will include:
- Leading the Pedagogy Team alongside the Year 7 Campus Principal, Mr John Simon
- Overseeing student engagement, achievement and wellbeing at Year 10
- Overseeing the Sport, Outdoor and Environment Studies and Student Leadership Council programs with the respective program leaders.
Year 10
On Tuesday 1 February we welcomed back 360 Year 10 students who will be led by a new team in 2022. We are excited to welcome Ms Sam Cody as the Year 10 Director of Student Management and Engagement and Ms Libby Toovey as the Assistant Coordinator. Ms Cody and Ms. Toovey have already started their planning and have great ideas (along with the Year 9 team) to strengthen student connectedness at school. A nice point to acknowledge is that Ms Toovey has been an Assistant Coordinator to this cohort since Year 7.
The team was very impressed with the Year 10 students’ positive transition back to school last week. We are looking forward a great year filled with many fundamental activities that will support their transition into VCE or VCAL and then tertiary studies. This includes the Work Experience Program that is set for the last week in Term 2.
Semper Squad and Term 1 lunchtime activities will be starting this week (Monday 7 February). A very big thank you to the staff who are supporting these programs. Students are reminded to read the sport announcements on Compass from Mrs Stevens, Mr Rowe or Mrs Grech. These announcements will outline all important information including times, events and locations. Please refer to the 'Important Dates, Activities & Events' section for the Semper Squad and Term 1 lunchtime activities. Also, please encourage your student to keep an eye out for the upcoming Term 1 Interschool Sport sign ups. This is always a great way for students to meet other peers outside of their classes.
We are looking forward to the House Swimming Carnival on Thursday 17 February at Doveton Pool. This is a compulsory activity for all Year 7 and 8 students and students in Years 9 – 12 can sign up with the Sport Coordinator Team by Friday 11 February in the Stadium. This is always a fantastic day that kick starts the first sports carnival for the year. Students are encouraged to dress in their house colours and share the positive house spirit.
A reminder that Sport Leadership Application (accessible in enrolment packs or hard copies from the Sports Office) are due into the Sport Coordinator Team by Friday 11 February in the Sports Office.
Year 10 Team:
Ms Samantha Cody
Director of Student Management and Engagement
Ms Libby Toovey
Year 10 Coordinator
Mrs Leanne Wood
Middle School Administration
If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact any member of the team.
Ms Tiffany Greenhill
Campus Principal