Uniform requirements

A uniform dress code reinforces in students a pride in their own appearance, instils recognition of themselves as an integral and identifiable part of the school community, assists in developing pride in representing their school and, for safety purposes, helps identify those students who belong to the school in the school yard and on excursions. Issues of equality, Occupational Health and Safety and expense are also factors that contribute to the establishment of the Uniform Policy.


Students who are out of correct (school logo) uniform are expected to seek out the YLL / administrator in the appropriate sub-school office, submit their parental note and gain a Uniform Pass before the start of the school day – not during class time. Students should at all times follow teacher instruction with regards to following the correct uniform policy. 


For further detail about college uniform requirements please refer to the college website.


We are keen to support families as they transition to the new uniform requirements so are applying some flexibility as we start the school year. The following process will however be implemented across the college from Monday 28 February.