The Arts, Health & PE, Technologies

Health - YOU CAN DO IT!
In Years 2, 3 and 4, the Health curriculum further develops students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to their health, wellbeing, safety and participation in physical activity.
Students will begin to explore personal and social factors that support and contribute to their identities and emotional responses in varying situations. They also develop a further understanding of how their bodies and their brains grow, develop and change as they get older, valuing the differences in others.
Throughout the year classes are going to explore knowledge, understanding and skills that support students to build and maintain respectful relationships. Students will discover the benefits of developing a Growth Mindset. A Growth Mindset is when we realise mistakes are OK and mistakes are a part of learning and that there is a physiological reason why learning something new is hard. Students will learn to make health-enhancing and safe decisions, and interpret health messages from different sources to take action to enhance their own health and wellbeing.
The Arts
The ArtsThis year, Torrens students will be participating in Arts and Technologies (ARTS). Students will take part in Music & Dance, Drama, Visual Arts and Design & Technologies. Students will be working with a different Torrens teacher each rotation, offering students a range of experiences and expertise. This is a great chance for students to try things they may have never done before, have some fun and laughs as well as develop new skills and abilities.
Physical Education
Children’s engagement and enthusiasm towards physical activity is great for general wellbeing.
60 minutes of physical activity everyday promotes a healthy heart, healthy mind and healthy body. Benefits for keeping active include increasing happiness, being challenged, increasing academic performance and on task behaviour as well as building self-esteem and self-efficacy amongst students.
Being active is easy and can be as simple as active home chores, going to a park or taking your dog for a walk around your local area.
This semester, children will continue to develop and refine fundamental movement skills and increase levels of fitness, through cooperative team building games and fitness games. They will identify the learning intention of each lesson and follow the success criteria to be successful. Children will inquire into invasion games and striking and fielding games using a tactical game based approach developing children's locomotor skills, hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness and object placement and control. Skills will be transferred in various games such as netball, football, t-ball and cricket. They will learn movement patterns like dodging, weaving, jumping, skipping, throwing and running to gain confidence when participating in all sports and games. Children will use decision-making and problem-solving skills when solving movement tasks safely, learning to follow basic game rules successfully. Using the teaching personal and social responsibility model, children will learn life and social skills during physical activities with a strong focus on respect and effort.
Children will engage in warm up activities, learning the importance of stretching before and after physical activity followed by developing and refining new skills and techniques. Every lesson, children are given opportunities to reflect on new skills introduced using technical vocabulary and articulate their strengths and areas for improvement. They will engage in conversations with their peers and use reflection journals to record their thinking.
Throughout the semester children will be involved in sporting clinics, explicitly teaching children new skills that may inspire and give children the confidence to learn a new sport.
Sports Day will be held in term 4, enabling children to develop sportsmanship skills and build confidence in their physical abilities. Children can earn team points in lesson time by upholding the LNPS values- care and concern, pursuit of excellence, respect and honesty. The points are recorded and contribute to their sports day teams total, celebrated at the end of the year.
Students are reminded to wear suitable clothing and footwear to all PE lessons to ensure their full participation.
Students will receive 1, 50 minute PE lesson per week. (Tuesdays T17 and T18, Wednesdays T19 and Thursday T16)
PE Teacher
Amy Byrnes
Design and Technology
Technologies is divided into two strands -
Design and Technologies and
Digital Technologies.
Some of the learning within this subject are integrated into other areas - especially significant given the chrome book ownership by all students. Digital literacy and safe practises online will naturally be a key focus.
By problem solving during Technologies lessons, students will have the opportunity to use and further develop their decision making and critical and creative thinking. Students will not only need to identify the possible benefits and risks of creating solutions but will also need to consider appropriateness, suitability, sustainability and impact on the future for themselves and others.
Students will also have opportunities to build their knowledge and skills using technical terms and techniques with coding. By independently investigating and exploring algorithms students will be able to successfully code using blocks before moving onto creating sequences of their own.