SCSA Sports Breakfast

On Tuesday 15 February, Marian College attended the SCSA Sports Breakfast.

It is here that all of the schools involved in SCSA Sports send a select few students to represent their schools as leaders in sports. 

Marian College was represented by Isabela Ramirez Grajales, Erna Ziko, Taylor Briffa, Caitlyn Vaughan and Sofia Tsamperis. All of these students are sports award winners from 2021, regarded as showing high levels of participation, commitment and leadership in sports at Marian College. At the event, students were treated to breakfast, along with a meet and greet with former Tennis star Jelena Dokic. 

Dokic detailed her experiences and her ability to overcome obstacles in sports, in a motivational speech presented to the students.

Our students were also lucky enough to get a photo with Dokic, along with one lucky student who also got her book signed!

Nathan Kennedy

Sports Coordinator