What's happening in the classrooms?

The first two weeks of the term has encouraged the Year 4 and 5 students to tap into their creativity.


In Reading, we are learning about the importance of visualising as a way to listen to the language we read in the texts to create mental pictures that help comprehension. Students sketched what came to their mind (visualisation) when they heard a passage read aloud to them. Blaze, a meticulous illustrator may perhaps have a future career as a book illustrator 


In writing, students have been are able to showcase their ingenuity and creativity when creating poems for different audiences. Ishani submitted not one, not two, but four cinquain poems in a span of 10 minutes!


All the students are very keen to get their hands on the Minecraft for Education app which we will be using as we explore the concept of Sustainability in Inquiry. The Year 4 and 5 students will learn about the different materials around them. We look forward to tapping into the students inventiveness and resourcefulness when designing and building a community for a more sustainable future.


Cristina Elicano

4/5 teacher