Principal Reflections

A message from Dr Jake


           A short message from Dr Jake


Dear Parents & Friends,


Week Two is almost over and what a week it has been. Learning is certainly full steam ahead with much packed into our learning day. 

Happy St Edward's Day

This week (13th October) we celebrated our school's feast day learning more about St Edward the Confessor. Known for his piety and religious conviction, St Edward was known for rebuilding, in the 1000's, St. Peter’s Abbey as a royal burial church conveniently located adjacent to the Palace of Westminster.  This was a very timely decision given the fact that the work was completed in 1065 just a week before his death and he was buried in the church. 

COVID-19 Regulation Reminders

As the Tamworth community reflects on the recent week of COVID cases and the closure of some schools for deep cleaning purposes due to close contact connections to a COVID case, we are reminded that the impact of the pandemic will be an ongoing concern. 


It is important that we all follow the NSW Health and the Catholic Schools NSW guidelines. As a reminder, for St Edward's, the current Level 3 restrictions are in place requiring, for the foreseeable future:

  • Face Masks are to be worn both in and outdoors for all staff
  • Non-essential visitors are not permitted on school sites
  • Cleaning for targetted areas include high-touch areas and other hard surfaces, door handles, lockers, light switches and handrails in stairways and movement areas is delivered as part of the daily cleaning of schools
  • Increased ventilation including open doors
  • Canteens to operate with hygiene measures in place

Parents should:

  • follow the physical distancing advice for their local area and avoid gathering outside of school gates
  • remain outside of school grounds (some exceptions may exist re vulnerable students or students with disability)
  • adhere to mask-wearing requirements and sign-in using the Service NSWQR code if they need to visit the school reception.

Under CSNSW Level 3  guidelines we are not allowed to have:

  • Singing, chanting, group repetition and choirs
  • Sport (except for sport within existing PDHPE classes)
  • Bands and ensembles
  • Interschool activities and events including interschool sport, gala days, trials, knock outs and carnivals
  • Assemblies
  • School performances, productions, concerts, speech nights and award presentations
  • Excursions, camps, field trips and principal-endorsed activities for student

Outside of being unwell, or identified as a close contact, all students are expected to attend school each day. If unwell and showing any symptoms of COVID-19, a mandatory negative COVID test is required to return to school.


St Edward's takes the health and safety of our school and community seriously and is following the public health order as required. What is beyond our control is what students and families do outside of school hours. We ask that all members of our community be vigilant to the NSW Public Health orders and follow the guidelines appropriately.

World Teachers' Day

With learning as our priority, the community of St Edward's should be very proud of the teaching staff we have at school. In recent weeks we have shared glimpses of the ever increasing academic growth across our school. From our Learning Dashes to our PM Readers to our NAPLAN results, the success of our school is a direct correlation to the dedication and commitment of our teachers. This is probably no more evident than during remote learning with the support provided to families during the stay at home orders period.


In Australia, on 29 October we celebrate World Teachers' Day and I encourage you to show your appreciation for the work your class teacher does for your child. If you post a positive note on social media please tag us using #stedstam so we can all celebrate together.

Parent Survey

Don't forget to complete your views on St Edward's by completing the annual parent survey The survey is due to close next Wednesday 20th October 2021 for all staff, parents and students.


Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us as we are only too happy to help.


Peace & Best Wishes







Dr Jake Madden

(Principal, St Edward's Primary School)