Assistant Principal's 


You’ll never be bored when you try something new. There’s really no limit to what you can do!” Dr. Suess 


2021 at Burwood East Primary School has been an amazing year with many things to celebrate! I am extremely proud of our students who have continued to Learn, Create and Inspire, adapting and displaying resilience when transitioning between school to home learning. 


The enthusiasm, resilience and dedication shown by our students has guided them in achieving their goals, both academically and socially. Every day I feel privileged to be able to learn with and from our students, staff and parents. In the junior school, I am reminded of the importance of imagination and play (finding joy in the littlest things), to the senior school where students learn effectively through collaboration, exploration and innovation. As a staff, our Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) worked from a simple idea: students learn more when their teachers work together. I would like to acknowledge the incredible work of our staff, working collaboratively to provide targeted teaching and learning programs and engaging in ongoing professional learning to enhance teaching practices.


Our partnerships with families has strengthened throughout the year as we continued to support each other in times of uncertainty. We created opportunities, focussing on what could be achieved and remained positive. Our students and staff continued to find unique ways to create many fond memories, ensuring the participation in special events and activities at BEPS, including the Year 5&6 ‘In School’ camp experience, BEPS Concert, Year 6 Graduation and virtual and onsite kinder transition sessions. One of the creative spaces I have had the privilege to work in this year is the design of our capital funds project. This project is really starting to take shape, incorporating feedback from school council and taking on board the students’ ideas on effective learning spaces. We look forward to construction beginning April next year.


As you read through 2021’s Year Book and reflect on the year that was, I hope you feel inspired by the students at Burwood East Primary School. Thank you to everyone for contributing to such a memorable year of school. Our students all bring something unique and wonderful to this learning community and I cannot wait to see what 2022 will bring.


Lastly, goodbye to our Year 6 students heading off to high school next year, remember to be your wonderful self, be brave and show kindness.


Have a lovely break and stay safe,


- Teri Smith