4C - If you could travel anywhere, where would it be? 

Happy travels from Naomi, Eshaan, Beth, Jason, Grace and Caitlin!
Happy travels from Naomi, Eshaan, Beth, Jason, Grace and Caitlin!

The Year 2021

Term 1

At the Royal Botanic Gardens (RBG), we saw multi-coloured plants and flowers of many species from all around the world. There were bamboo and lilies. In a pond, there were teeny tiny tadpoles gracefully swimming around in the water. An extinct volcano (meaning the volcano is predicted to never erupt again) sat in the middle of the gardens, surrounded by cacti and other plants with spikes and stings. This was one of my favourite, beautiful experiences of the year. 

- Ally


Term 2

We went to ACMI for our Year 4 excursion. We saw the Simpsons arcade game and a Pokemon arcade game and a nice black Ferrari. It was a lot of fun. We also got to make our own movie from story blocks. There was a Nintendo 64 controller, I hadn’t seen one before. I also saw a PS5 controller. We also got to play with them. 

- Martin


This term, we visited an amazing centre called “ACMI’ which was a life changing experience for us Year 4’s. We went to the city and saw loads of unique and interesting types of art. Some amazing things that we saw and touched were ancient sculptures and the way things work to the latest models of video games. 

- Saba and Kanishka


Term 3

In Term 3, since it was lock-down, we did Remote Learning! At home, we logged on to Zoom in the morning, mid-day and in the afternoons. Even though Remote Learning isn’t as fun as learning at school, you still get to interact with your family and friends. 

- Bella and Julia


Term 4

In Term 4, we did Survivor Camp challenge (instead of camp because it was cancelled due to Covid-19). It was very fun, we did not do the regular activities in camp, but we did do other activities. We played different games to earn points, the team with the most points at the end of the Camp Survivor Challenge gets a trophy for teamwork and a prize. Each person had to choose a tribe and each tribe had to have 3 boys and 3 girls, 2 from each class. 

- Natalie and Scarlett