Assistant Principal's page

Dear students, parents and carers,


It’s hard to believe it is another 12 months since our last yearbook, which is again celebrating the achievements of our students throughout the year. Whilst 2021 has thrown up some challenges to us as a community, the resilience shown by our staff and students over the course of the year is to be truly commended. The school vision of ‘Learn, Create, Inspire’ has never been more evident based on the learning you will see throughout this year’s edition. 


I would like to congratulate all the staff and students for their continued effort in putting learning at the forefront of everything we do. I encourage our community to reflect on the positives as we move forward. Whilst it’s easy to focus on the things that didn’t happen throughout the year, there is great value in being grateful for the experiences we have been able to share and learn from.


For me, this has been a year of continued learning and growth: taking part in small Zoom lessons, seeing students engaging in planning sessions with staff around their learning, the outstanding academic results through ICAS and NAPLAN and all students having the opportunity to participate in the school concert. 


Other highlights throughout the year include; The Kaboom Kids whole school event, our I am a traveller day and our student leadership speeches. All these opportunities enable students to show success in various areas of their schooling.


To all the families who are finishing their time at Burwood East Primary School, I wish you all the best of luck for the future and in the next stage of your journey.


 “Leadership is about having a vision and an ideal about what the world should be” - Alastair Clarkson


- Andrew Den Elzen