Year 4 - 2021 

In Year 4, we have had an interesting year with lots of twists and turns. Before the lockdown, we had an exquisite time at the Royal Botanical Gardens. There, we had a blast, touching various plants and visiting interesting places. We also got to use some epic microscopes to look closer into various preserved animals. 

 In Term Two, we went to ACMI. We all loved the virtual reality showcases and the digital technology there. We also looked into quite a lot of digital technology following our topic of ‘I Am A Producer’. Us Year Fours, loved looking at many old and modern technologies; We were very surprised because the laptops at our school were old!

During lock down, we still learnt what we would usually do but it wasn’t as fun as when we weren’t with our friends. There were still some sufficient tasks like partner writing and group investigations so we wouldn’t get easily bored. We had DISCO Jackie every Friday as a year level to celebrate the end of the week. 

 In Term Four, we did our concert song which was a massive success and was really fun. A couple of weeks later we did the best thing EVER; we did a cool Survivor Challenge testing our endurance, balance, teamwork and resilience. The aim of our Survivor Challenge was to collect points as a team and ‘outlast’ the other tribes. All of us Year Fours had an amazing year despite the lock down.