Principal's Page

We’ve had another wonderful year at BEPS. This year we welcomed 594 students through our doors and say goodbye to 50 Year 6 students who begin their secondary education. We have enjoyed the fun, hard work and laughter that our great school promotes.


The theme for the year was certainly ‘opportunity’ because through all the challenges we have faced as a community we have all learnt to do something new, thought about another way to approach tasks and taken more moments to appreciate, what we have.


We can be thankful for BEPS staff who every day have stepped up to the plate to tend to our students’ academic and wellbeing needs. Despite unanticipated changes, they have done everything possible to create a stable learning environment responsive to all students, recognising the importance of routines and normalcy. They came to work every day through remote and onsite learning with energy and passion for education.


We are thankful to our parent community, who have attended to their own work and home commitments whilst supporting our school approach to support student learning and engagement throughout the year.


A final word to Burwood East students: Thank you for all your hard work throughout the school year. Until next year, here’s wishing you fun and laughter over the festive season.


- Darren McDonald