2021 Student Leaders

School Leaders

After my name was called out for School Leader I honestly couldn’t believe it. I worked hard for the role and I won it because I was encouraged by teachers and my peers. It was a great experience and achievement for me. I got to organise and speak at assembly and work with my teachers and principals but I have to say it was hard with all the COVID stuff. It really was great to know that I was a role model for the younger students and I’m truly glad I got to go through this experience. I wish the best of luck to the 2022 leaders.


      - Addison

      - Millie

Red House Leaders

At the start of this year, we were elected as Red House leaders. Being the Red House Leaders was a great opportunity for us to grow as a person and as a leader. We got to represent our house in athletics and cheer our whole team on in the events. We also received the great privilege of doing the jobs for our school: we did the turtles and fishes, gates, flag and the chickens. Our favourite job by far was doing the gates. We got to unlock them every morning and lock them in the afternoon. For the chickens, we collected their eggs and locked them in their coop in the afternoon. We raised the flag and brought it back down every day and finally we fed the turtles and fishes every day. Overall, being Red House Leader in 2021 was one of the best things that we achieved this year! 


      - Dinuki and Alena

Green House Leaders

Being the Green House Leaders is an amazing experience and we get to do four jobs, one for each term. The different jobs are; putting up the flag in the morning and getting it down in the afternoon, feeding the turtles and the fishes, taking care of the chickens and opening and closing the gates in the morning and afternoon. We also got to record the scores of each house colour on Athletics Day, that was near the start of the year and was very fun. We really enjoyed being the Green House Leaders in 2021.


      - Kate and Anna


Blue House Leaders

Being Blue House Leader has been a great experience and opportunity. Blue House Leadership has taught us a lot of new skills that will help in the future. One of those skills is being able to do different jobs every term such as; feeding the chickens, putting up the flag, doing the turtles and fishes and doing the gates every morning and afternoon. We also got to participate in sports events coming 2nd in the Athletics Day which was an outstanding achievement. Overall, we loved being the Blue House Leaders for 2021 and will carry this memory forever.


      - Tiana and Ali

Yellow House Leaders 

Being a Yellow House Leader has been the best experience. We got one job each term and changed over when a new term started. We got to do four jobs altogether: the turtles and fishes, the flags, the gates and the chickens. We also got to participate in many sports events. For example, we won first place in the House Athletics Carnival for 2021. Being the Yellow House Leader has been a big achievement for us and we will never forget this wonderful year.


      - Sulaeksha and Royce

Sports Leaders

Having the chance to be Sport Leaders for Burwood East Primary School is an honour, we have learned how to take responsibilities for certain jobs around the school. We presented competition results such as athletics, cross country, round robin and inter school sports. We helped Beth around when she needed us and had fun. We also enjoyed presenting the student of the week for physical education. We were given the responsibility of doing the poles morning and afternoon.


      - Ines and Dev

Visual Arts Leaders

Before starting our speech we want to thank our teachers and the students. Our job as art leaders is to present awards, every week we interchange in presenting the awards for Visual Arts. Though we didn’t have much time to reflect on our experience (and do our jobs at all!) We enjoyed the exciting expedition. We are really grateful for having this leadership role and wish all the soon-to-be-leaders good luck. 


      - Tani and Adhithi

Performing Arts Leaders

It’s a good experience being Performing Arts Leaders, you can help Martine with doing clubs, like choir and band. You also present the Performing Arts awards each week, but we have been in remote learning for a long time, so our school leaders did it for us. Sometimes if we had a performance at school, we helped Martine to collect the equipment and set it up in the right spot. Lastly, I want to thank all the teachers and students for helping us in the school.


      - Tia and Lynn

Languages Leaders 

It has been wonderful to be a Languages leader. We have presented awards at assembly and arrived early to help April set up the room each day. We didn’t get to present the awards that much for the assembly due to assemblies being online. It has been nice to have the experience to be a Languages leader and we wish the 2022 leaders all the best for next year!


      - Judy and Alice

STEM Leaders 

STEM Leadership was a great experience, we helped Mick with odd jobs and packed away assembly equipment some of the time. We also put together the lost property cupboard and helped suggest ideas for new term topics. Although we didn’t do as much as we could have because of COVID we still contributed a lot. One of the things we did was to present the E-smart tip at assembly each week. This was really fun and overall we enjoyed being the STEM Leaders.


      - Atarah and Sam

Eco Leaders 

Being the Eco Leaders was a wonderful experience. Even though we have been in lock down for most of the year, when we were not in lock down we had so many fun jobs to do like nude food, talking at assembly, changing the signs and helping Marseal. This year we have felt way more confident speaking and presenting the welcome to the country in front of the whole school. The most fun thing we have done was hosting a nude food competition and creating our own trophies for the winning class. This year was an awesome year and I hope that next year there are more competitions like this. Good luck to the future Eco Leaders and we wish you both all the best for 2022. 


      - Pantelina and Samy

Inquiry Investigations Leaders

Being the Inquiry Investigations Leaders for 2021 means that we had to survey students about what they enjoyed during inquiry and what they would like to work on. This way we could improve on the student voice in the school. We asked students from all over the school what they liked and what they want to learn in the future for future topics. We also presented the Inquiry Investigation awards and chose possible candidates. It was lots of fun!


      - Jeremy and Shania