College Information

Official DSC Facebook page
Follow our College Facebook page for more news and insights about our school community.
Student Clubs & Activities
Below is a copy of the student clubs and activities that are available to students across the College. Please check this document to find out when and where the clubs and activities will be.
Involvement in student clubs and activities is an example of how students can make constructive use of their time. Constructive use of time is one of the external developmental assets which identifies the importance of students taking on opportunities to develop new skills and interests with other students and adults.
More information on the developmental assets framework is available here.
Interact Club
Interact Clubs bring together young peoples ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. Find out how serious leadership can be seriously fun.
Connect with leaders in your community and around the world to:
- take action to make a difference in your school and community
- discover new cultures and promote international understanding
- become a leader in. your school and community
- have fun and make new friends from around the world.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast and games are held every Friday during the school term from 7.45 - 9.00 am when on-site learning returns.
The Breakfast Club has relocated to the Library. All students are invited to join Jeff, Alison, Ms Katie Mills and the library staff for some early morning brekkie before school.
School Policies
All school policies are located on the Doncaster SC website and they are updated on a regular basis. If you have a question about our school procedures or require other information, the Policy page - located under the 'Our College' drop-down menu - may be able to assist you.