Music Matters

VCE Performance Exams
CONGRATULATIONS to our Year 12 bass player Oscar Purnell for being the first DSC VCE Music student to complete their performance exam. His exam was last Sunday morning and his reaction afterwards was “I had a blast!” so that’s a huge endorsement for doing Music as a VCE subject.
As you will read in Oscar’s reflection piece provided below, he has worked really hard, practising 2-3 hours a day but because he is so passionate about his bass playing and music, the exam was great fun. Just the way it should be! I’m sure you’ll agree that Oscar has totally embraced the joys of Music and has reaped the benefits of doing a subject that he loves.
Instrumental lessons and the return to onsite learning
When we return to school we will all be busting to have lessons in front of our teachers and play in ensembles with our friends. This will be the case for string and percussion instruments. However, as the guidelines stand at the moment, no wind instruments (woodwind and brass) or vocals can be played at school. We will continue to monitor the guidelines as they change, and hope that we can at least hold lessons and rehearsals in well-ventilated spaces.
Until then we look forward to string and percussion lessons being face to face (although masked) when we return in the coming weeks. Woodwind and brass lessons will still take place with teachers focussing on other aspects of musicianship.
Nick Dean
Music Coordinator
Player Profile
At Doncaster Secondary College, we have some amazingly talented musicians in our mix and the Music department would like to showcase our performers through a regular Player Profile newsletter segment. In this edition, I'd like to introduce our readers to Ethan Jayamanna.
Joshua Verco
Instrumental Music Instructor
Ethan Jayamanna, Year 12
Hey Ethan. What instruments do you play?
Hi! I play Tenor/Alto Saxophone, Piano and Guitar.
When did you start learning to play music?
My mum was a piano teacher, so I grew up learning to play piano. I love how music can bring people together, whilst also being personal in the way that everyone has unique styles and musical tastes.
What school ensembles do you play in?
Wind Symphony and Senior Jazz.
Who is your instrumental music teacher/s at Doncaster SC?
Mr. O’Connell.
What is your favourite song or genre to play?
I love playing jazz! It’s really satisfying seeing chords with odd extensions fitting so well together. I also love cinematic music because of how expressive it is and how it adds so much to films.
What bands or musicians do you like to listen to or have influence you a lot?
I like listening to Jacob Collier. He does really unique things with his music involving harmony and rhythm. It’s fun to analyse and explore what’s going on in all the different layers.
What is your most memorable performance to date?
It’s pretty difficult to pick just one. I think my top two would be performing with my sister at the Manningham Carols by Candlelight or playing in the concert band made up of students from all over Australia and New Zealand for the Rhapsody Rotorua Music Festival.
What is your most memorable musical learning experience?
I learnt a lot about ensemble playing and what it’s like to perform on a regular basis during the New Zealand Music Tour. All the other music camps with the many hours of rehearsal per day helped heaps with sound and consistency.
What non-musical hobbies or interests do you have?
I really enjoy playing basketball and volleyball.
What do you hope to achieve with your music in the future?
I hope to be part of some bands or ensembles in university and then continue playing for leisure in the future.
What is your favourite food to eat?
Egg hoppers, and for dessert definitely chocolate.
Any cool nicknames at school?
People call me EJ.
What is the silliest thing you’ve ever said, done or worn (Chicken Suit?)?
During Music camp, a couple of my friends and I organised to hop on to the stage with our hoods on during a loop station performance (the performer was in on it too don’t worry). Music camp seems to be the place for silly moments, other times we’ve performed Baby Shark and Dumb Ways to Die for the concert on the second night.
Thank you for sharing your journey into music with us, Ethan!