Year 7 Camp

Our Year 7 students recently returned from their much-anticipated Camp. From facing challenges on the high ropes course to bonding with new classmates, Ella Thomas and Oscar Worme have shared their reflections on their time away.

Making New Friends and Conquering Fears

Year 7 Camp was a great way for me to get to know some of the Year 10s and other Year 7s I didn’t know very well. It was a great balance between having time to hang out with your friends but then hang out with some different people and make more friends. I think my favourite activity was the high ropes because I was scared to do it at first but when I got up there it was fun, and I really enjoyed it. Camp was also a great way for everyone to support one another and enjoy being there. One of my favourite things was the last night and watching the movie because everyone was so relaxed, even the teachers. It was a great way to spend our last night at Camp Howqua. It was a great experience and there were lots of fun memories made.


Ella Thomas (7 Millward)

Four Days of Adventure, Fun and New Experiences 

The Year 7 Camp was a Camp that we will never forget. This year’s Camp was a four-day extravaganza that was packed with so many amazing activities including: “The Weginator” (an epic water slide), The Survivor Course, horse riding, and much more. We were all pushed to the edge of our comfort zones; for some of us that was the experience of being at height during the high ropes course and for others it was the first time ever riding a horse. 


As a grade, this Camp offered us the opportunity to get to know some of our peers outside of our Houses, which was fantastic.


The Camp, held in Howqua, may have been a long bus trip, but it was definitely shorter than last year’s drive up to Canberra and it was well worth it. The food was sensational, hot breakfasts kept us full and the basketball and netball courts ensured each morning kicked off with some exercise. A few of us also enjoyed an early morning run around the campsite each day. 


It is always hard to pick a favourite Camp as all the Girton Camps have been incredible, but I would have to say that the Year 7 Camp is my new favourite.


Oscar Worme (7 Aherne)


Surviving the High Ropes

Year Seven Camp 2023 was so much fun. I loved all the activities, especially Survivor because we got to swim in the river and race against people in teams. I also loved High ropes which were scary but fun because we had to challenge our fears of heights. I like how we got free time in our cabins and that we could walk around and explore the camp. I was disappointed though that we couldn’t do water raft building but it was still fun. The breakfasts and lunches were not too bad although the dinners weren’t so good. It was a bit chaotic having ten-plus people share one bathroom, but my cabin managed. I liked the dance competition that we did one night, we had to compete against other houses.


Darcey Whitsed (7 Riley)